Lisa Shurden’s Gift Supports Students and Animals

Lisa Shurden’s Gift Supports Students and Animals

Mississippi State University alumna Lisa Shurden has always held a deep love for animals and a strong commitment to helping students who remind her of her own academic journey. This passion has inspired her to make a significant bequest to MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) and the College of Business. Through her generous gift, Shurden seeks to honor the memory of her cherished feline companion, Macy, and ensure that students receive the support they need to succeed.

Shurden attended Mississippi State University in the late 1970s, earning a degree in marketing from the College of Business. Despite facing challenges with certain subjects, she remained determined and resilient.

“I wasn’t a top student, but I knew I had something unique to offer. I was determined to succeed in my own way, even if it meant taking a different path. I want students who may not have perfect grades to understand that they, too, have a place in the world and that their contributions are just as valuable,” she said.

Through the establishment of the Lisa Shurden Endowed Scholarship in the College of Business, Shurden aims to help students who share similar challenges as her own.

Her passion for assisting individuals like herself led her to the Mississippi State University Foundation, where she collaborated with Kevin Randall, Assistant Director of Planned Giving, who then helped her find a way to share her passion for animals.

“Kevin suggested I tour MSU's College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM). At first, I wasn’t sure what to expect, but as I walked through the halls and saw the incredible work being done, I was truly amazed. I realized that my love for animals could be channeled into something much bigger—something that could help both animals and students in need. I felt an instant connection to the college and knew I had to be a part of it,” Shurden said.

“Seeing how the college works to promote animal welfare, especially for cats, really struck a chord with me. I’ve always had a soft spot for animals and knowing that my gift could help provide spay and neuter programs in areas that desperately need them made my decision easy,” she said.

Moved by the work at CVM, Shurden dedicated half of her bequest to establishing the Macy Shurden Excellence Endowment for Feline Care at the College of Veterinary Medicine in honor of her cat. This fund will support the Humane Ethics and Animal Welfare Program, providing necessary resources for spay and neuter programs in underfunded areas—a cause close to Shurden’s heart.

“Macy was my precious tabby cat and the most beautiful cat in the world. She wandered up to my townhome in 2003 as a hungry teenage kitten. I took her in and cared for her for twenty years. She was a good companion and stuck with me through thick and thin. She was my little child in animal form,” Shurden said.

“Helping those in need, whether students or animals, has always been important to me, and I know that animals have something special to offer. I want to make sure that those students who have the passion and drive to succeed get the chance they deserve, and that animal lovers have the resources they need to care for their loving companions,” Shurden said.

Shurden’s legacy will live on through her endowed funds, inspiring others to give back according to their passions and creating a brighter future for humans and animals alike.