Campus Beautification

Campus Beautification

Alumni and friends may invest in the beauty of Mississippi State University by making a gift to the Campus Beautification Program. Gifts for the much-needed program enhance the general appearance of our historic campus and offer unique ways for individuals to make their mark at MSU. Donors may also honor or remember a family member, a classmate or even a mentor with a contribution.

Opportunities exist for endowing trees, bistro tables, benches, and other structures and outdoor plantings. Continue reading below to learn more about each option. Beyond endowments, annual support is also essential in maintaining the scenic landscapes and outdoor spaces year after year. Gifts of any size are greatly appreciated and can be made here.

For assistance with giving to the Campus Beautification Program or to learn more, please contact Georgia L. Banes, Director of Annual Giving at 662.325.5975 or email


Living Legacy and Memorial Trees

Place a tree in honor of a loved one for a gift of $2,500. 

Gifts for living legacy and memorial trees cover the cost of the tree, a plaque and care during the tree's first year of growth. The gift also provides for replanting and replacement of the tree over time.

The Office of Annual Giving within the MSU Foundation accepts gifts for living legacy and memorial trees, and the university's campus landscape department will assist the donor with tree selection and location. Dedication ceremonies are held upon request. Other items, such as a bench, may be added for an additional project cost if these items can be integrated into the overall landscape.

An 8” x 10” plaque will display the name of the honoree and the donor name, along with the common name and scientific name for the tree. Trees planted with best results at Mississippi State include Bald Cypress, Magnolia, varieties of Ginkgo, Red Maple, and varieties of oak trees such as Nuttall Oak, Water Oak and Willow Oak.

List of Living Legacy and Memorial Trees


Place a Bench with plaque on the MSU campus for a gift of $6,000.

The addition of a beautiful bench enhances the hospitality and outdoor accommodations of the campus landscapes. The university's campus landscape department will assist the donor in determining the location and placement. Benches will include a plaque displaying the name of the honoree and donor name. 


Bistro Tables

Provide a Bistro Table to enhance an area on campus for a gift of $1,000.

The Office of Annual Giving within the MSU Foundation accepts gifts for bistro tables, which provide restful gathering places on our beautiful campus. These tables are a new addition to campus beautification and will be placed in various locations across MSU. While the tables are not accompanied by a naming opportunity, they do offer a great way for donors to provide students, faculty, staff and visitors with new opportunities to gather, relax, study and simply enjoy the natural settings around MSU.